Day 4:
There is a dude at Cycle Electric who deserves a bonus today. He was able to get my replacement generator together, packed and overnighted to us yesterday. It showed up in UPS this morning, and we had the old one out and the new one on by noon.
Willie moved the power wire from my turn signal module to a different ignition position to eliminate the power draw. I didn't have a problem with the module when I put it on my shovels because it was in line with the turn signals, which are on an accessory position. So I didn't think about that when I wired this one in. Simple fix.
Once we got the new generator in and the module wires moved - no more power draw!
On the test ride yesterday, Willie felt like the rear brake might be glazed, so we pulled that back apart and scuffed the drum and pads. Hopefully that will create a bit more stopping power. In the process of reinstalling the rear wheel, he took a closer look at my chain. It was pretty well shot, so off it came, and he put a spanky new one on.
Buttoned up the battery box and dash, and rolled the bike outside for the final tweak. The kickstand kept the bike too upright, so every time I would try to kick it, it felt like the bike was going to tip over to the right. Actually it wasn’t a feeling – the bike would jerk precariously to the right. I am nervous enough about learning to kick this bike, but when it wants to fall on top of me while I am trying to kick it, that is not the best feeling in the world. Willie got his torch out and bent the kickstand back to where it belonged, so now the bike sits the way it should, and I can stand on the kicker and the bike stays put.
Tomorrow, a final test ride and then hopefully I can start getting the hang of kicking the bike. It will be my last day here, so we will load up the little red smoke show, and I will be east bound and down.