Women of the AMCA - Kim Erickson
Lori Faber | Published on 3/20/2021
I was excited to interview this next Women of the AMCA member because Kim Erickson has been a good friend of mine and a respected member of the vintage motorcycle community for many years. Kim got her first motorcycle in 1982, an Indian 741 military model 30.50c.i., which she quickly civilianized and installed bigger pistons to boost it to 37c.i. She had heard of the AMCA through local friends, so she became a member early on in 1982, and can prove it by her early membership #882. Kim surprisingly still owns and rides that same 741 motorcycle almost 40 years later, and to this day, it is the only motorcycle she has ever owned. She has definitely earned her alias nickname of “Indian Kim”.
“Indian Kim” on her civilianized 741 model..
I was excited to interview this next Women of the AMCA member because Kim Erickson has been a good friend of mine and a respected member of the vintage motorcycle community for many years. Kim got her first motorcycle in 1982, an Indian 741 military model 30.50c.i., which she quickly civilianized and installed bigger pistons to boost it to 37c.i. She had heard of the AMCA through local friends, so she became a member early on in 1982, and can prove it by her early membership #882. Kim surprisingly still owns and rides that same 741 motorcycle almost 40 years later, and to this day, it is the only motorcycle she has ever owned. She has definitely earned her alias nickname of “Indian Kim”.
Kim has always had a very kind and generous heart, and after a friend of hers got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, Kim started an MS poker run, which the Road Weasels also helped sponsor. The poker run had a very successful 20 year run from 1998-2017, and with her helpful volunteers, Kim raised $158,274 which was donated entirely to the MS society for research into prevention and a possible cure. Kim still continues to help collect for others in need, and she still rides her motorcycle locally when the Michigan weather allows.

Kim’s 1941 Indian 741 which she has owned for 40 years.