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Add an Associate Member for Only $5

Keith Kizer | Published on 4/20/2023

Back in July of last year, changing insurance requirements made it necessary for the club to start charging $5 per year for associate members. This led to the club updating its policy to require all passengers on any riding event, including chapter rides and national road runs to be paid members. This is obviously in addition to all riders already required to be club members. 

The minimal cost of the associate membership is a small price to pay to reap the same benefits as primary members. Benefits include a membership card, access to all AMCA website pages and documents, online access to archives, back issues to The Antique Motorcycle, participation in road runs, AMCA Judging, and free admission at most AMCA National Meets.

So, if you have any future plans for your wife, girlfriend/husband, or boyfriend to accompany you on a chapter ride or national road run, then we urge you to sign them up as a paid associate member. This will be required prior to signing up for any event through online registration or the system will not allow you to register them. 
Speaking to the primary member, the easiest way to sign up your associate member is simply to wait until you renew your membership. 

If you already have an associate member in your profile, when you renew, their name and $5 charge will show in Step 4 of the renewal process. If you choose to not pay for your associate member, simply click on the red X to remove them. If you want to keep them as a member, just click next and proceed to Step 5. Of course, if you are a 2-year member, your associate member charge will be $10, and 3-year members' $15.

If you plan on registering for a ride or road run prior to your next renewal date, here is the procedure you should follow. On the AMCA website,, 1) Login, 2) Click on the down arrow next to your name then select “Profile, 3) Under “More Member Options” select “Chapters/Additional Members, 4) even though you will see your existing associate member listed, in order to add them as a paid member, you need to click on the green + icon next to “Secondary Member” and type in their relationship, first and last name and save. You will see $5 appear if you are a 1-year member, $10 for 2 years, or $15 for 3-year members. At this time, you can click on the Red X next to their existing name and remove them as Associate Members. 5) Save and proceed to check out. Your associate, now a secondary, member is now officially a paid member. The lawyers and insurance reps will be pleased as pie, and we can move on to having fun with old motorcycles.

If this all sounds too confusing, simply call our Customer Service team at (855) 398-8688 and they will be happy to do this for you. 

By having your significant other as a paid member of the AMCA will make a smooth process for registering for National Road Runs and local chapter events which use the ClubExpress registration system. If you know you will be participating in a road run this year and you have not yet signed up, be sure to follow the above procedures to be ready. 

For those who may not drag your significant others to rides with you, but do participate in other AMCA or chapter activities, we kindly ask that you sign them up as Associate (Secondary) members anyway. This helps support the club and extends your member benefits to them. 

P.O. Box 663, HUNTSVILLE, AL 35804